
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Chiropractor, Cat and Crochet

Today is turning out to be a very nice day.

I slept in and then went out for my chiropractor appointment. My chiropractor is such a nice man, and with just a few weeks of treatments, he's done wonders in controlling my headaches. My neck and back are a bit sore after he does an adjustment, but it's nothing like the debilitating pain I had with the constant headaches! This is a very good thing.

When I got back home my Tater was in a very snuggly mood! He's still congested and still isn't eating, but he was acting like a cat today! He came when I called him, he rolled around and played, and he spent a good long while cuddling!

I have been getting some crochet done too!

Last night I made a cap for the marine that I've "adopted" for the holidays.

This will be going to him in Iraq along with some snacks, some soup, cocoa, popcorn, chapstick, and misc things to make his holidays away from home a little more comfortable.

I'm also continuing to work on the ripple afghan which is really soft and comfy. It's going to take a while, but it's coming along nicely.

Took a break to play around with some snowflake decorations

and made some progress on my great-niece's blanket.

It will be a nice surprise to me if I manage to finish this blanket before Christmas, but I'm actually really enjoying the graph pattern, and the fact that it's coming out legible, is making me happy!!

And best of all - the day is still young, and tomorrow is another relaxing day of weekend to look forward to!

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