
Thursday, January 18, 2007

A tear jerker with a happy ending

One of the members at Crochetville posted a link to this story, and I had to share it here. Warning - you may need some tissues to read it- it's a sad story, but it's also a happy one. It's a story about what horrible things people will do - in this case to an innocent animal, and of how there is so much love and healing in the world.

When my Birdie died, my husband and I adopted Tater because we wanted to DO something. We wanted to focus on what we could do and not on our sadness. It was a smart decision - Tate is a delight!

The doggie in this story, Noel, had a rough life. The story might make you angry or sad. The photos are horrifying - until you get to the last photo - a photo of Noel with her new mom. There is so much love there - it's heartwarming.

If I may quote Bernie Berlin (the writer of the blog):
Blame is so easy, forgiveness is hard.. What I've learned is. to focus my energies on what I can do..How I can make the future of these animals better. The stories read here on this blog, prove that we all can make a difference together, each one of us doing our part.You who read, who care, who love are all a part of this journey and with the intention of love that we all share and send out to the world, change will happen.. I believe this with all my heart. Not fast enough, but we cannot ever give up hope.. Someday, things will be different and the world will be a better place..

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