
Monday, February 26, 2007

What a year!

Today Hubby and I celebrate our first wedding anniversary. It feels like the wedding was just last week. It was exactly what we wanted! The only thing that could have been better would have been if the friends and family who we invited and couldn't be there could have shared it with us. I love him even more today than I did a year ago, and I think that I am without a doubt the very luckiest!!!

When it comes to anniversary gifts, I don't really go for expensive and dramatic gifts. I prefer to do something and build happy memories - a nice meal out, a weekend getaway, a show....something we can enjoy together. So we spent the weekend celebrating. We had hoped to finally take our honeymoon, but with him still in school, and me having just started a new job, that didn't work out. On Friday night we went to see the Blue Man Group - and we both loved the show. Then we spent the weekend enjoying each others company. On Sunday my parents took us out to dinner to celebrate.

Today I worked and he had school, so we just had a casual dinner locally. Nothing special, but a nice relaxing evening. Of course memories are great, but presents are also fun, so we decided (inspired by my niece) to go the traditional gift route. This being our first anniversary is our paper anniversary.

I treated my Honey to some paper - a subscription to his favorite magazine, and a mushy book about how much I love him. He treated me to a funny new Hiaasin novel and the BEST GIFT EVER!!!

I happen to be a fan of Sponge Bob, and my Honey made me a gift so cute, so sweet and so incredibly romantic! I'll cherish it forever!!!

When we first started dating, he told me that he loved me. Without losing a beat, I asked "why?" I wasn't being a smart-ass - I really wanted to know. Now, whenever he tells me he loves me, I ask why. It's one of those little nauseating things we do.

So today, my wonderful husband gave me an adorable pinata (paper) of Sponge Bob, and inside he filled it with about 120 colorful little pieces of paper upon which he wrote reasons why he loves me! I think it's the BEST gift EVER!! It came from the heart, it's beyond romantic, and it was so much fun to read all the little notes. And mixed in with the papers where Riesen candies - one of my favorites - not a gift - just packing material - chocolates aren't paper.

So my gift was lots of riesnens why he loves me, and just another reminder of how many reasons he gives me each day to love him!

I'm very very lucky! I married a wonderful man, and I look forward to building many more memories with him over the years.

Many thanks to all the friends and family who have wished us happiness, and who have shared our happiness with us!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Happy anniversary to a very special couple. May you have many years of happiness ahead of you!
