
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hack, Sniffle, Honk

I new that my new job would cut into my crochet time, but I wasn't anticipating getting such a bad cold too! I got home from work on Friday, went straight to bed, and pretty much stayed there until this morning. Didn't work yesterday. Got up a few times to check in online, but didn't even have the energy to crochet. Haven't been this sick in a while.

Well, after a horrible long stressful day at work, I need to relax, and if this kitty will ever get off my lap, I may even get to crochet a square or something.

I miss my hobby.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    This blog is one of the absolute best that I have seen and your projects are wonderful. To have so much talent!!! We are heading out on a road trip from Georgia to California and back and I promise to have something to send to the Marine Kids. Stay strong (hopefully you are over the cold) and always keep that smile which shows right through every word of your blog.
