
Saturday, March 10, 2007

little projects

My new job and this darned cold have kept me from having much crochet time, and I miss it!!

The other night, I just needed to crochet. I didn't want to do something large that I couldn't finish. Normally I would make a hat, but for some reason, I really wanted to make this Circle of Friendship square. Today I found out that a member at Crochetville suddenly lost her husband. It's very sad news. The other members are making a comfortghan for her and her little girls. They want 8" squares in ivory, brown and pink. This one will be in the Monday's mail to include in the afghan.

I can't imagine the pain of losing a loved one so suddenly, but when I log into Crochetville I am time and time again reminded of the kindness that people have for each other. This group of crafters is always organizing to make comfortghans for other and to do charity work for good causes. In light of all the sad news in the world, its very heart warming to see such an outpouring of caring for others.

Yesterday Annie's Attic pattern of the day was a guest bath set. Our niece just bought her first home, and as part of her housewarming gift, I made this cotton face cloth for her. It's a very fast and easy project, and I like that its actually something that can be used.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    You can use those sqares for almost anything: a blanket, or a bunting. Kind of a staple for crochet projects.
