
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Meet Flat Stanley

Yesterday I received an e-mail from my wonderful nephew. His first grade class is doing a special reading project, and he asked for my help. Here is his letter:

Dear Aunt Delia,

My reading group is doing a project with Flat Stanley. For one project, we have to send Flat Stanley to someone far away so I am sending him to you. You need to dress him up and take him places and take pictures of you. It's all explained in my teacher letter. Please mail Flat Stanley back to me in two weeks or less.

With the e-mail came a file with the outline of Flat Stanley for us to dress up in "native garb" and take with us on a mini Florida vacation. Flat Stanley!!

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Tomorrow we're taking him to the Everglades for a real Florida adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Does Flat Stanley get dipped in tartar sauce for his Everglades vacation? Crocs like tartar sauce
