
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Beauty in Bloom

This will probably be my last blog post from this house. We're closing on our new house on Tuesday, and will spend the balance of the week moving in. It's very exciting, and I can't wait to get settled into our new home.

We were so lucky to find this rental house. With the exception of the basement flood - that was really a freak act of nature and couldn't have been anticipated - this house has been very very good to us.

One of the things that I've loved about this house has been the gorgeous flowers all throughout the yard. We are renting the house from the second owners. The first owners built the home in the early 1960's. They raised their family here, and lived here for over 40 years. Looking at the yard, you can see how much love they put into this house and how much pride they must have had. The flower beds were so beautifully planned to follow the blooming seasons.

We moved in in October when all the flowers were already gone, so it was such a delight this spring to watch the gardens burst into color. It started with a few gorgeous daffodils. When they ran their course we had tulips and iris. There are snap-dragons, lilacs, and zinnias. Right now the flower beds are a flaming orange with all the gorgeous lilies that are in bloom.

We have only been here for ten months. Our landlord and lady lived here for less than a year before they moved out. It's sad, but the original owners put so much into their gardens - since they left, the beds have become somewhat over-grown and wild.

I think about that couple that lived here for so long, and how much of themselves they put into this yard, and I feel guilty that I didn't maintain the lovely garden that they created. I didn't know them, but if they're looking down on us, I hope they'll forgive me for neglecting their flowers. I also hope they know just how much we've enjoyed all the beauty that they created and left behind. Watching all the lovely flowers burst into bloom, and seeing the waves of color from one blooming season to the next has been a delight! We've so enjoyed the beautiful plants and flowers here, and all the lovely birds that enjoy the yard.

I hope that as we move into our new home, we'll be able to create a bit of lasting and natural beauty like those owners created here!

1 comment:

  1. Love these upside down orange lillies. I have some in my yard, some of my hubbies favorites.
    Good Luck with the move.
