Now, I've gotten pretty good at baby sweaters. I really enjoy making them. Babies are little, so the sweaters work up really quickly. And, well, they grow so at some point, unless it's really tiny, the thing is going to fit. Adults are a bit different. We come in various sizes. And what exactly is a medium or a large? I figured if it was comfortable on me it would probably fit mom. A member at crochetville suggested a pattern for a short sleeve cardigan that I really liked. I ran and called three stores looking for the right crochet thread - no luck. I went to another store that was supposed to have it- no luck. Finally I went to the Rag Shop across the street. They aren't supposed to carry it, but they had it. I think the gas cost more than the yarn. So I pick my colors and go home to start.
It's working up pretty nicely. I'm thrilled. Yippie. Then I get up a little higher. Boobs. Babies don't have boobs. Grown ups do, and they have to fit inside the sweater! And arms. I come from a large armed family - we're not going to fit into these skinny little sleeves. Argh! And I reduced the neckline incorrectly, so it goes all the way to the shoulder - how revealing!!!! Ok - added rows to the shoulders so that the arms would be bigger. Added rows to the edging so that it wouldn't be so open. Changed the sleeve design so they would be more comfortable.
Tada! It actually looks pretty good. Hubby is so proud of me! But, is it wearable? I fear not. I fit in it, I think Mom will fit in it, but.....pretty as it may be it just seems wrong. Oh well, Mom. It's the thought that counts and I made it with love. And stop clucking over the fact that I said "boobs", we all know what they are.
So - I decide the gift is not enough. I searched and found a really cute tote bag that will match. This was fun to make and turned out well. Great pattern for anyone looking for a cute tote. It's a simple advanced beginner pattern, but the way the edges work up, it looks structured and fancy. I'll probably make more of these.
So now I have a top and matching bag for Mom. Still, I'm afraid she won't like them. She likes art though, so today I ran out and bought a nice magazine about modern artists and exhibitions. It fits so nicely in the bag. Will wrap it all up and mail it to arrive on time for Mother's Day next weekend (which also happens to be my darling nephews 6th birthday party that I can't go to and I'm horribly horribly sad about that). So, I put thought, time and love into this gift - why do I still feel like it's not enough?
I should be ready to move on to more baby stuff for my niece, but I now feel that I should be making more mother's day items for friends! Eek! Off to make some bookmarks.
Your mom has boobs? Moms don't have boobs! They do?! ACK! Lysol my brain!
Nice job, and I laughed reading this (of course!)
Your blog is shaping up Quite nicely, D!
Hey! What happened to your mom's boobs?
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