I think the answer is leaning more and more towards - NOT!
I don't like to perceive myself as a quitter, so after my first attempts at knitting were less than satisfying, I decide to give it another try. I bought another set of circular needles and a package of double points. I bought 2 baby hat patterns (bought them - not free from the internet - but an actual financial investment!) I read through the patterns and convinced myself that I could do it - and, of course, I can.
One problem. So far, I HATE it. With crochet I get immediate (or almost immediate) gratification. A baby hat is small! I can crochet a baby hat in no time. I can crochet several adult sized hats in a day. A crocheted baby sweater can be finished in a few evenings. Knitting is not so fast.
I spent several evenings and have a pathetic little uneven hat brim to show for it. I'm bored!!!
Now I'm not an easy quitter, and I'm very very cheap - so quitting after I've made a financial investment would be a horrible defeat, but I'm finding it very difficult to find the motivation to continue trying.
If any of you knitters have any advice, I'm all ears. Otherwise it might be time to admit that this Worm was meant to stick to the hook.